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Decorating events and parties

Comprehensive decoration of events and weddings is our specialty. By using our services, you can fulfill your dream of a perfect event and wedding in terms of decoration and flowers in one place. We approach each order individually, wedding implementation is not only our job, but our passion into which we put our whole hearts.
To book a date, please contact us:

We create unique and unique flower decorations and event arrangements. We will take care of every detail at your event. We have already done this, among others: for: Clarins, Intimissimi, Calzedonia, Falconeri, TVN, PayPal, Garnier, Roger Publishing, KinoPolska.

Wedding is one of the most important days in life. This magical moment should be remembered as best as possible. Wedding decorations made of live flowers are a beautiful arrangement and introduce an element of magic. You should remember about both the decoration of the church and the decoration of the wedding hall.

Roses in a box. If you want to surprise someone close with a nice gift, consider roses in boxes. This great gift can be made to your special order. You just need to see how well it looks to decide that it should become a unique decoration.



To make a unique gift for Women's Day for your loved one or for Grandmother's Day on behalf of your grandchildren, just see what the custom-made flowers look like. One of the newest ideas that the whole of Warsaw is already excited about is a flower box. This is an unusual and unique idea for fresh flowers in a box that attracts everyone with their appearance. Such roses in a box will be prepared according to your special order, and an additional incentive, apart from the unique presentation, will be the price of the flowers. A perfect opportunity to give fresh flowers is also a birthday or name day, where we cannot attend, but we want to show the person that we remember him or her. Flower delivery makes this possible. A uniquely planned box with roses can also be a great idea for Valentine's Day, which, thanks to this unique gift, will become a unique experience for every woman who wants her loved one to be romantic and show that she remembers her beloved. Fresh flowers are available to order, and a specially composed flower box is also perfect for such a special occasion as an engagement requiring a special setting. Thanks to the fact that the floristic market is constantly developing, virtually everyone can find a suitable decoration idea for many occasions. Even if you want flowers delivered to work where you are preparing to meet a special guest, you can place an order for flowers that will be delivered to the place of your choice in Warsaw. Fresh flowers will be delivered at the selected time to the indicated location. Regardless of whether you are interested in Bemowo, Ochota, Wola, Żoliborz, Targówek or any another district of Warsaw or Polandthe order will be delivered to any place you choose. This service of delivering fresh flower arrangements can be very useful.


On what occasions can you order flowers?

You don't need any special occasion to give flowers. The person receiving a beautiful and fresh bouquet will always be happy.However, you should remember about several occasions for which it is worth giving flowers:

  • name day
  • birthday
  • wedding
  • wedding anniversary
  • baby birth
  • apology
  • Grandmother's Day (January 21)
  • Grandfather's Day (January 22)
  • Valentine's Day (February 14)
  • Women's Day (March 8)
  • Mother's Day (May 26)

Our business area:

All of Poland:

  • The Inpost courier supports deliveries throughout Poland
  • Bemowo
  • Białołęka
  • Bielany
  • Mokotów
  • Chota
  • Praga-Południe
  • Praga-Północ
  • Rembertów
  • Downtown
  • Targówek
  • Ursus
  • Ursynów
  • Wawer
  • Happy
  • Wilanów
  • Italy
  • Will
  • Żoliborz

Examples of opinions of our clients from Warsaw:

Marek. Date: 2016-10-03

I have had the opportunity to use flower delivery more than once. Everything is always on time, beautifully packaged, and the flowers are always fresh.


Joanna. Date: 2016-10-23

Thanks to the fact that the compositions are prepared before shipping, I received a bouquet that pleased my eyes for a long time.



Kinga. Date: 2016-11-07

I don't know how they do it, but this flower box is just wonderful. I have never had such a decoration on my table before. I would love to buy this type of bouquet again! These roses are beautiful!


Kasia. Date: 2016-11-26

If someone had told me that I could order roses in a box, I would have told them to knock on their heads. Until I saw that a flower box could actually look so great. I want even more!


Weronika. Date: 2016-12-18

Somehow I never had confidence in ordering flowers with delivery. I was always afraid that they would arrive broken or stale. I was wrong! It turned out that the flowers are freshly cut and, what's more, they last a very long time and you can enjoy them for many days after ordering!


Monika. Date: 2016-12-18

I've never heard of anything like flowers in a box before. And the compositions of fresh flowers that you can buy here are simply beautiful.Such a composition of fresh flowers turned out to be a hit at the birthday party I organized and everyone was delighted that flowers could be arranged in such an interesting way!


Thanks to the fact that the floristic market is constantly developing, virtually everyone can find a suitable decoration idea for many occasions. Even if you want flowers delivered to work where you are preparing to meet a special guest, you can place an order for flowers that will be delivered to the place of your choice in Warsaw. Fresh flowers will be delivered at the selected time to the indicated location. Regardless of whether you are interested in Bemowo, Ochota, Wola, Żoliborz, Targówek or any another district of Warsaw, the order will be delivered to any place you choose. This service of delivering fresh flower arrangements can be very useful.


On what occasions can you order flowers?

You don't need any special occasion to give flowers. The person receiving a beautiful and fresh bouquet will always be happy. However, you should remember about a few occasions for which it is worth giving flowers:

  • name day
  • birthday
  • wedding
  • wedding anniversary
  • baby birth
  • apology
  • Grandmother's Day (January 21)
  • Grandfather's Day (January 22)
  • Valentine's Day (February 14)
  • Women's Day (March 8)
  • Mother's Day (May 26)

Our business area:

  • Bemowo
  • Białołęka
  • Bielany
  • Mokotów
  • Ochota
  • Praga-Południe
  • Praga-Północ
  • Rembertów
  • Downtown
  • Targówek
  • Ursus
  • Ursynów
  • Wawer
  • Happy
  • Wilanów
  • Italy
  • Will
  • Żoliborz

Example opinions of our clients from Warsaw:

Marek. Date: 2016-10-03

I have had the opportunity to use flower delivery more than once. Everything is always on time, beautifully packaged, and the flowers are always fresh.


Joanna. Date: 2016-10-23

Thanks to the fact that the compositions are prepared before shipping, I received a bouquet that pleased my eyes for a long time.



Kinga. Date: 2016-11-07

I don't know how they do it, but this flower box is just wonderful. I have never had such a decoration on my table before.I would love to buy this type of bouquet again! These roses are beautiful!


Kasia. Date: 2016-11-26

If someone had told me that I could order roses in a box, I would have told them to knock on their heads. Until I saw that a flower box could actually look so great. I want even more!


Weronika. Date: 2016-12-18

Somehow I never had confidence in ordering flowers with delivery. I was always afraid that they would arrive broken or stale. I was wrong! It turned out that the flowers are freshly cut and, what's more, they last a very long time and you can enjoy them for many days after ordering!


Monika. Date: 2016-12-18

I've never heard of anything like flowers in a box before. And the compositions of fresh flowers that you can buy here are simply beautiful. Such a composition of fresh flowers turned out to be a hit at the birthday party I organized and everyone was delighted that flowers could be arranged in such an interesting way!


Oferty wysyłek kreatywnych dla firm

Wysyłki kreatywne dla firm

Jeśli szukasz firmy, która zrealizuje wyjątkowe, kreatywne wysyłki dla Twoich klientów lub pracowników, Flower Store to Twój idealny partner. Jesteśmy kwiaciarnią i pracownią florystyczną, specjalizującą się w tworzeniu spersonalizowanych paczek i kompozycji, które dostarczają radość i pozostawiają niezapomniane wrażenie. Nasze usługi obejmują zarówno Warszawę, jak i całą Polskę, dzięki czemu możemy dostarczyć wyjątkowe przesyłki niezależnie od lokalizacji.

Wysyłki Kreatywne

Co Oferujemy?

Jako eksperci w dziedzinie florystyki i dekoracji, tworzymy oryginalne wysyłki kreatywne, które łączą estetykę, jakość i dbałość o każdy detal. Nasze produkty to doskonałe rozwiązanie na różnego rodzaju okazje firmowe, od podziękowań dla klientów, przez upominki świąteczne, aż po prezenty motywacyjne dla pracowników. W ramach naszej oferty wysyłek kreatywnych dla firm, proponujemy:

Bukiety i Flowerboxy: Eleganckie, świeże kompozycje kwiatowe dostosowane do preferencji Twojej firmy. Tworzymy zarówno klasyczne bukiety, jak i nowoczesne flowerboxy, które doskonale sprawdzą się jako wyjątkowy prezent.

Wianki i Dekoracje Świąteczne: Unikalne, ręcznie robione wianki oraz kompozycje świąteczne, które wprowadzą do biura, domu lub sklepu wyjątkowy klimat. Doskonałe na sezon świąteczny oraz jako dekoracje okolicznościowe.

Produkt w Pudełku z Kwiatami: Kreatywne zestawy, które łączą produkty firmowe (jak kosmetyki, wina, akcesoria) z pięknymi dekoracjami florystycznymi. Całość jest starannie umieszczona w eleganckim pudełku i ozdobiona kwiatami, co nadaje luksusowy charakter każdej przesyłce.

Nasze doświadczenie i pasja do tworzenia wyjątkowych aranżacj.

Dlaczego Flower Store?

Zawsze działamy z myślą o indywidualnych potrzebach klientów, tworząc kompozycje, które są spersonalizowane, estetyczne i pełne elegancji.

Co nas wyróżnia:

- Profesjonalizm i terminowość: Każda wysyłka realizowana jest zgodnie z harmonogramem, co gwarantuje, że prezent dotrze na czas.

- Elastyczność i personalizacja: Tworzymy kompozycje dopasowane do oczekiwań i charakteru Twojej firmy, zarówno pod kątem estetyki, jak i budżetu.

- Działalność na terenie Warszawy i całej Polski: Bez względu na to, gdzie znajdują się Twoi klienci czy pracownicy, nasze kreatywne wysyłki dotrą na czas, zapewniając niezapomniane wrażenie.

Zaufaj Ekspertom w Tworzeniu Kreatywnych Wysyłek dla Firm Jeśli zależy Ci na tym, aby Twoje wysyłki były czymś więcej niż tylko przesyłką – były wyjątkowym doświadczeniem i symbolem Twojej marki – Flower Store jest idealnym wyborem. Zaufaj nam, a stworzymy kompozycje, które na długo pozostaną w pamięci obdarowanych.

Zapraszamy do kontaktu i współpracy w zakresie wysyłek kreatywnych na terenie Warszawy oraz całej Polski.