Platicecerium- elks horns set with a flower pot
Platycerium it is an easy-to-grow plant – it is tolerant, likes bright, well-lit places, but not direct sunlight. It tolerates semi-shady places.
It is a good idea to spray the entire plant with water 1-2 times a week. Do not polish it! You should also not wipe dust off the leaves, because this destroys the tiny hairs that cover them and help the plant endure dry air.
Platycerium likes warmth – the optimal cultivation temperature is around 25°C, in winter it can be lower, but should not fall below 10°C. Old leaves die and dry out – do not remove them, they will fall off on their own.
Watering moose horns ideally once a week, less frequently in winter. The soil in the pot should dry out between waterings, but not dry out completely. It is best to irrigate by submerging the container with the plant in a bowl of water for 15–30 minutes.
Platycerium is fertilized in summer, every 2 weeks, using small doses of fertilizers (preferably liquid).
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ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 6, 00-367 Warszawa
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- Sobota: 09:00 - 14:00
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