Prickly pear - cactus set without pot
Prickly pear fine-thorned
In the cultivation of prickly pears, in addition to the world and temperature, proper watering and fertilization are also important. During the growing season (March-September), we water the plant regularly, but very moderately, making sure that the soil in its pot is only slightly damp, but never wet (prickly pears do not tolerate overwatering and rot easily from excess water). At this time, we also use small doses of fertilizers intended for cacti.
When the season comes to an end, we stop fertilizing and reduce watering the plant to an absolute minimum, in winter we almost do not water the prickly pear at all (once a month or less).
In spring we gradually increase the temperature and resume watering and fertilizing.
However, before we start transplanting or propagating prickly pears, we must protect our hands with thick, rubber protective gloves and use appropriate tools (e.g. silicone tweezers), otherwise we may expose ourselves to very unpleasant stings and irritations caused by small but dangerous hairs.
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